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Tax Calculator

We are providing this Tax Calculator as a tool you can use to project your tax impacts over the next ten years, both with and without the Princeton Plan.*

Here’s how it works:

  1. Find your Assessed Value on your school tax bill. Here is a Sample School Tax Bill from the Town of Cortlandt. The Explanation of Tax Bill Items is number-coded to the sample tax bill and can help you find your Assessed Value, which is listed under #6 on the sample document. If you are a City of Peekskill resident, you will need to refer to your own tax bill.
  2. Open the Tax Calculator, and enter your Assessed Value amount in the box correlating to the municipality where you pay taxes. You should replace the red numbers with your own value.
  3. Gauge your projected tax impacts from year to year.

*This calculator is provided for estimating purposes and is not a definitive tax projection, as school district revenue and expenses may change from year to year. Additionally, the calculator does not take into account STAR rebates or any other governmental tax-saving incentives.