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Project Timeline

The Capital Project Timeline


The Capital Project will take approximately three to four years to complete, including design, SED approval process, bidding process and construction. The project is being completed in phases since large work can only be completed when school is not in session.

Phase I consists of security improvements at all five schools. These improvements may include separate entrances and secure vestibules for all visitors and “greeter retreat paths” for school personnel in the event of an emergency.

Also included in Phase I is the high school track and field replacement, now 100% complete. The district is awaiting guidance from elected officials regarding opening up the facility for public use and will notify the community accordingly regarding days and hours of availability.

The construction of a new maintenance building behind the District Office is another component of Phase I. Construction began in April, and most of the work completed so far is site preparation. The district anticipates that work will continue through the summer and be completed in November.

Phase II will include classroom and science laboratory upgrades, middle and high school auditorium renovations, and various maintenance projects (HVAC, plumbing, electrical and additional security upgrades).

Construction on the remaining work under Phase I and II began on May 13. It has been a “soft start,” as the pandemic has interfered with construction coordination meetings. We expect to slowly come up to speed in the beginning of June.

Some of the work that has begun around the district is: preliminary electrical (disconnects to allow demolition work and electrical panel replacement at the HS), plumbing (disconnects to allow demolition work), mechanical (investigation work and disconnects to allow construction) and general construction (exterior masonry work at FGL).

Please check back here for status updates on the project and relevant timelines. 


Capital Project Timeline


Projects Schedule Image