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Modified Interscholastic Athletics Program

Athletics Program

1) Modified Sports Philosophy

We have a wide variety of interscholastic athletic programs for students in the 7th and 8th grades between the ages of 12 to 15. A student reaching age 16 during a sport season may complete that season and must play freshman, junior varsity or varsity the next sport season. Sport activities offered are determined by the existence of leagues, student interest, and relationship to the high school program and board approval. At this level the focus is on learning athletic skills and game rules, fundamentals of team play, socio-emotional growth, physiologically appropriate demands on the adolescent body and healthy competition.  This program is designed to offer students the opportunity to engage in a more highly organized competitive experience than what is found in intramural or recreation programs, but not as involved as those found in varsity or junior varsity interscholastic competition. An attempt will be made to give all members meaningful contest participation over the course of a season.

2) Sports Offered at BMMS

  • Fall: Football, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Cross Country, Girls Volleyball
  • Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Winter Indoor Track and Field
  • Spring: Baseball, Softball, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Outdoor Track and Field

3) Communication

  1. Concerns with the team or program should be directed at the coach first. 
  2. The Athletic Office phone number is 914-257-5182.
  3. The Athletic Hotline is 914-257-5183 where you can find the contests for the day and weather-related issues.
  4. The website Section 1 Athletics is a website where you can access team schedules and directions to various locations where games are played.  A weekly schedule can also be found on the Hendrick Hudson athletic website.

4) Practice Commitments

  1. Practice is typically Monday thru Friday from 3:00 – 4:30.  At times there may be practices offered on Saturdays in order to meet state mandates of number of practices prior to a game.  
  2. School commitments such as Yearbook or Student Organization can be worked via communication through the coach.  School activities end at approximately 3:45 while practices do not end until 4:30.
  3. Outside commitments that interfere with the daily practice commitment can alter one’s playing time as a player’s skills will further develop by participating in practice on a daily basis.

5) Signing up for Sports at BMMS

  1. Fall Sports begin when school opens in September and end by the first week of November.  Winter sports begin mid to late November and usually end by mid-February.  Spring sports begin mid to late March and end by the first week of June.  All start dates are always listed on the school calendar.
  2. Students cannot sign up for a sport more than 30 days prior to the season beginning.  For the fall season, all pertinent information is communicated to families in the middle of August.  The winter season registration information is communicated to families by the end of October.  Lastly, the registration information for the spring season is communicated to families by the end of February.  All registrations are handled through the Family ID website which is under the "Sports Registration" tab of the Hendrick Hudson athletics website.
  3. All students must have an approved physical on file with the school nurse.  Physicals last for one year and may be administered by the school doctor in school or a private doctor.  If it is completed by a private doctor, the physical form must be submitted to the school nurse for approval.
  4. Prior to every season, all students must submit a Pre-Participation form through the Family ID site.

6) Advanced Placement Process 

  1. The Advanced Placement Process (APP) is a New York State Education Department approved program.  This is the program where students who are in 7th and 8th grade have the opportunity to tryout and participate on a high school level team.  At Hendrick Hudson, this experience is only offered for the junior varsity and varsity level.  Any interested athlete should contact the Athletic Office.  The APP physical fitness test is administered prior to each season.  Information is made available to all interested athletes prior to the seasons.  THIS PROGRAM IS ONLY INTENDED FOR THE ATHLETE WHO CAN SUCCESSFULLY PARTICIPATE AT THE HIGHER LEVEL.  In order to complete this process the steps that are necessary in order to tryout for a high school team are:
    1. Notify the Athletic Office. 2) Submit the necessary paperwork to the BMMS Nurse.
    2. BMMS Nurse must approve the student's paperwork.
    3. The school district's medical director must approve student.
    4. The student successfully completes the physical fitness test. 

7)  Schedules for Teams

  1. All updated schedules can be found on the website- Section 1 Athletics.
  2. The link to the district's athletic weekly schedule can be found at Athletics / Weekly Athletic Schedule ( This schedule is typically posted by Thursday afternoons for the following week and is subject to change for a variety of reasons. 

10) Attendance in School

  1. All students are required to be in school prior to 11:00 am in order to participate in the athletic program.

11) Transportation

  1. After practice at 4:30, the district provides “Sports Buses” for the practice participants to take home, with the exception of Modified Indoor Track. This team practices at the high school until 4:30 and parents/guardians must provide transportation home. 
  2. Transportation is not provided for the athletes after a home game.  Games at BMMS begin at either 4:15 or 4:30.  Once the contest is over, it is the parents responsibility to provide transportation home.  Phones are available at BMMS. 
  3. At an away game, the team takes a bus to the site and the bus returns with the team to BMMS after the contest.  Again, the parents are responsible for transportation home from BMMS after the bus arrives at the school.  Phones are made available at BMMS.
  4. Parents who attend away games may take their child home from the site if the necessary Transportation Form is filled out. These forms are available on the district website and are provided to the team from the coach.

12)  Team Tryouts

  1. Choosing the members of the various athletic teams is the responsibility of the coach.
  2. Before tryouts begin, coaches will provide team information to all candidates. Such information shall include:
    1. Length of tryout period.
    2. Objectives used to select the members of the team.
    3. Number of positions that will be selected and criteria involved in selection- positions needed, etc.
    4. Distribution of practice and competition schedule. The coach will explain the commitment necessary to join the team.
    5. Clear notification that tryouts are based on the performance during the selection period. Tryouts are not based on summer participation or coaching camps the athletes participated in, previous to selections.
  3. Lower level coaches will follow the criteria for selection that have been established for the particular sport.
  4. When lowering the numbers on teams becomes a necessity, a coach will do the following:
    1. Not post rosters of team membership. Each coach will meet with each candidate individually to discuss strengths, weaknesses, and squad membership or reason for non-membership.
    2. Coach will discuss options or alternatives for those individuals who do not make the team. Such alternatives could include participation on a non-cut sport or a manager position on the team.