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01-12-22 BOE Presentation


Bond Update at 06-24-20 BOE Meeting 

Facilities Director Anthony Merlini presented the following updates on projects related to the 2018 Bond project at the June 24, 2020 Board of Education Meeting:

Maintenance Building

Construction is progressing well at the site of the new maintenance building. The site has been cleared of trees and rock, the access road has been cut in, and the construction site has been graded and leveled. New site drainage was installed and tied into the existing drainage, and a new retention pond was constructed for site drainage and tied into the existing storm line. Steel piles were driven into the ground to support new footing and foundation, and concrete footings have been poured. The next step will be to pour the foundation walls.

Security Projects

To facilitate construction, asbestos abatement was performed before demolition at the three elementary schools. Among the asbestos material removed were 9”x 9” floor tiles and mastic and pipe insulation. The main office areas at the three elementary schools and middle school have been demolished so that new, secure vestibules can be constructed. Doors have been removed in anticipation of the new configurations. Doors and frames also currently being removed at Buchanan Verplanck Elementary School.

Capital Projects

Asbestos abatement took place at Blue Mountain Middle School related to the floor tile and pipe insulation in the science rooms, auditorium, lower gymnasium and locker rooms. Pipe insulation is generally located behind walls in pipe chases or above ceilings. Demolition then took place in these areas (locker rooms, science rooms and auditorium).

Work has begun on the exterior of Frank G. Lindsey Elementary School and Hendrick Hudson High School to repair and replace worn brick lintels.

Electrical work has begun to remove old lighting and switchgear at the high school. Other electrical components that needed to be removed to facilitate demolition work throughout the district have been removed.

Mechanical work has begun at all the school buildings in the form of pre-demolition work and measuring of areas to order new components.

Plumbing work has begun at all the buildings in the form of pre-demolition work and measuring of areas to order new components.

Kindergarten playgrounds were removed at Frank G. Lindsey and Furnace Woods Elementary Schools and are scheduled for replacement around the middle of July.

Capital Project Update 09-18-19 BOE Meeting

BOE Presentation 09-18-19

Phase 1 Projects Update - Presented 10-10-18

Capital Project Update, 10-10-18 BOE Meeting


Proposed Capital Project PPT Presentation, 4-11-18 BOE Meeting