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Welcome to the K-5 Curriculum site!

The District’s three elementary schools share a common curriculum and a common instructional approach. Our philosophy on K-5 education remains focused on providing all of our children with the opportunities to joyfully explore their interests, discover new talents, and stretch their thinking. A combination of rigorous academics and strong social-emotional supports provide learning environments designed to help our youngest learners become global citizens, problem solvers and good friends. We design instruction with the goal of engaging and expanding the natural curiosity of our children.

In Reading and Writing, the district leans on the Teachers College Units of Study, although much curriculum writing has been done at all grades to adapt the work for our District. The District also uses Words Their Way at the K-5 level for phonics, spelling and vocabulary instruction. Teachers at K-2 retain the ability to incorporate Fundations into this work, where indicated by student need.

In Mathematics, our core curriculum is the Great Minds Eureka Squared. As we continue to teach through this program and align our work in Math, K-12, we will continue to revise and enhance the units to provide opportunities for all students to succeed as mathematicians.

In both Science and Social Studies, the elementary schools use the core curriculum developed with and shared by Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES - Science 21 and SS/ELA Curriculum, respectively. Our teachers co-write this work in the region and participate in annual training sessions for all updates. In the 22-23 school year, Science21/STEM became a special, attended 2x in the 6 day elementary cycle. In STEM, our teachers are using Codelicious, a curriculum which addresses the computer science standards for each grade. Opportunities to experience coding, digital citizenship and STEM careers are all part of the STEM experience for students - grade appropriate, of course.

The links to the right provide an overview of the teaching and learning for each grade level. Here you will find big picture information for Reading, Writing, Word Study, Mathematics, and Social Studies. Please reach out with any questions…

Margaret M. Ruller, Ed.D.
Executive Director, Curriculum & Instruction
(914) 257-5120

Jane Price
Assistant to the Executive Director for C&I
(914) 257-5123