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Title I, Part A


Title I funding is provided each year to the District intended to address the needs of students at risk academically and/or socially/behaviorally.  While the State provides guidance with regard to test scores, the District is charged with creating a local assessment portfolio that relies on the use of multiple measures (assessments) to determine if a student is in need of additional supports in one or more of these targeted areas.   Student performance is reviewed at three benchmarking periods throughout the school year and are admitted to or exited from support services according to their benchmarking and day-to-day performance. Should you have any questions about your student's academic or social/emotional success, please speak with your teacher as soon as possible.  

Parents of students who are selected to receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS) are notified by letter prior to the beginning of services.  Parents will receive progress reports between and on the report card dates. In each school, AIS services occur during the school day. The District also provides additional Title I program supports after the school day with busing provided.  We encourage you to make contact with your student's AIS teacher and discuss areas of need and the ways in which we can work together to help your student move forward.

Each year the schools host a Parent Night to share more information about TItle I programs in each school.  Parents of students receiving support are encouraged to attend. Invitations are sent home in early September.

For additional information about Title I services available to your student, please speak with your building principal or the Executive Director for Curriculum & Instruction.