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Title III


Title III funding is provided each year to the District intended to address the needs of students acquiring English as a second language.  Students are identified as an ELL (English Language Learner) through the completion of Home Language Questionnaire (during initial registration), an interview with an ENL Teacher, and/or administration of the NYSITELL.  Parents of students who are identified as ELLs are notified by letter prior to beginning services. Students engage in ENL instruction according to the regulations of Part 154 (links provided below). A student must remain in the ENL program until performance on the annual NYSESLAT provides information about satisfactory second language acquisition.  

Each year the schools host a Parent Night to share more information about TItle III programs in each school.  Parents of students receiving support are encouraged to attend. Invitations are sent home in September. 

Part 154 Information/Regulations:

In spring 2012, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) launched the Bilingual Common Core Initiative (BCCI) to develop new English as a New Language (ENL) and Native Language Arts (NLA) Standards aligned to the Common Core.  Extensive research conducted over the last ten years indicates that the integration of language and content instruction leads to higher student outcomes.

As a result of this process, NYSED has developed New Language Arts Progressions (NLAP) and Home Language Arts Progressions (HLAP) for every NYS Common Core Learning Standard in every grade. The Theoretical Foundations of the Bilingual Common Core Initiative can be found at EngageNY.

In April 2014, NYSED released its vision for educating ELLs in New York State in its Blueprint for English Language Learners Success (BELLS).  NYSED’s mission is to ensure that all New York State (NYS) students, including English Language Learners (ELLs), attain the highest level of academic success and language proficiency. We strive to ensure that all students’ individual educational paths and socio-emotional needs are met in multiple languages leading them to college and career readiness. NYSED believes that all teachers are teachers of ELLs.

The Units of Study tables provided are guidelines for mandated services for  ELLs as per Commissioner's Regulations Part 154-2 in both English as a New Language and Bilingual Education programs. As always, ENL instruction is an integral part of the Bilingual Education program.

Minutes/Units of Study - Students in Grades K-8

Minutes/Units of Study - Students in Grades 9-12