MTSS stands for "Multi-Tiered System of Supports," which is a comprehensive educational approach that uses data-driven decision making to provide tiered levels of support for all students, addressing both academic and behavioral needs, with the goal of ensuring every student receives the necessary interventions to succeed in the classroom. It involves universal supports for all students (Tier 1), targeted interventions for students showing some difficulties (Tier 2), and intensive individualized interventions for students with significant needs (Tier 3). Its success depends on the collaboration of teachers, specialists, administrators, and families working together to support students.
The MTSS framework includes screening students in literacy, math and SEL to identify students in need of support, providing support services targeted to those needs and progress monitoring the student’s response to those interventions.
The District plan is provided below. Specific questions about entry and exit criteria can be provided by your school’s principal.
Margaret M. Ruller, Ed.D.
Executive Director, Curriculum & Instruction
(914) 257-5120
Linda Cohen-Stumer
Assistant to the Executive Director for C&I
(914) 257-5123