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Professional Development

The District supports a Professional Development Committee that meet 3-4 times each year. The PD
Committee consists of administrators, teachers, teaching assistants, parents and community members. The
role of the Committee is to develop a plan for the State (see link below) that appropriately outlines the
professional learning for administrators, teachers and teaching assistants in the District. This plan, although
permitted to span three years, is examined and updated annually and maintained at the District Office for
NYSED review.

The PD Committee also serves to examine the needs and wants of our staff as it relates to continued learning.
To that end, a survey is shared for input, the department and grade level leaders are surveyed for the specific
needs of their content areas and subgroup achievement data is examined. All of this information is then
triangulated in order to best identify the opportunities that will enhance instructional delivery in support of
student learning.

Linked below is the PD Committee Agenda/Minutes, any presentations made to the Committee and the current
PD Plan.

Professional Development Committee Agenda

District Professional Development Plan (2024-2027)

Please reach out with any questions!

Dr. Margaret Ruller
Executive Director, Curriculum & Instruction
(914) 257-5120