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Food Services

Hendrick Hudson School District believes that one of the most important ways in which we can help our children perform better in their classrooms is to provide them with the nutrition necessary for the healthy growth of their minds and bodies. Therefore, we provide breakfast and/or lunch in our schools every day.


Accommodating Children with Special Dietary Needs-

If your child has any special dietary needs, please contact Clare Carey at 914-257-5160 or email.

Dietary Guidelines:

Hendrick Hudson School District proudly participates in the National School Lunch Program in all of our Elementary Schools and Blue Mountain Middle School. The USDA ( Department of Agriculture) has established new dietary guidelines that moderate calories while increasing whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Breakfast includes:

  • 2 Servings of whole grains (sereal, bagels, breakfast bars, cereal bars)
  • 1 cup fresh canned or frozen fruit
  • 8 Fluid ounces of milk ( 1% or fat free)

Students must select a minimum of three items and one MUST be a fruit or vegetable serving to be charged the meal price.

Lunch Includes:

  • 2 oz. of meat/meat/alternative
  • 1 cup of fruit serving
  • 3/4 cup vegetable serving
  • 2 servings of whole grains
  • 8 fluid ounces of milk (1% or fat free)

Students must select a minimum of three items and one MUST be a fruit or a vegetable to be charges the lunch price.

Additional items are offered ala carte for an additional charge.

Hendrick Hudson High School is not part of the national school lunch program.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to call the Child Nutrition Services Department at 257-5160.  Thank you for your interest and support of the School and Breakfast Program.


In addition to the opportunity to prepay for your student's meals by cash or check, online prepayment will also be available.  The district will be utilizing which is a secure online prepayment service.  This service also provides the parents with the ability to view their child's balance and purchase history for the past 30 days.

Setting up your profile in mySchoolBucks for the first time?  
Use your child's full ID number.  All student ID numbers begin with four leading zeroes. 
Include the four zeroes before the rest of the digits when you first create your account.

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