Health Services
School nurses strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children and staff by identifying and assisting in the removal or modification of health-related barriers to the learning and teaching process for individual children. The school nurse has the educational background, experience and competencies to provide preventative health, health assessment and referral services to students.
The ability to learn at school is directly related to the status of a student's health. The school nurse serves as the health advocate for all school children focusing on the promotion of healthful living styles and the prevention of illness and disability.
It is important that parents share a thorough health history of their child with the school nurse as well as providing a list of all medications their child is taking.
The school nurse is responsible to provide first aid should an emergency occur at school. It is necessary to inform the health office of telephone numbers where parents can be reached if an emergency arises. We also request names and numbers of reliable friends or relatives who could assume temporary care of your child if illness or injury should occur and you cannot be reached. Emergency medications must be provided to the school by the parent when a known medical condition exists.
When deciding whether to send your child to school, the following guidelines may be helpful. Please keep your child home if:
- A fever (100 degrees or higher) is present or has been in the past 24 hours.
- The child has a cold with a heavy nasal discharge and/or a persistent cough.
- The child has a sore throat.
- The child vomits before school.
- The child has an unidentified rash.
- The child is tired and generally not well.
Parents are invited to consult with the school nurse whenever a problem arises concerning their child. We are here to work with you.
The immunization certificate must be documented and signed by a physician, health care provider, or clinic.
These immunizations are required by New York State Public Health Law
All students in the district are provided health services in accordance with State requirements. Students in Kindergarten and Grades 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 and new students entering are required to receive a physical examination. This exam can be performed by the family’s private physician or the school doctor. The school nurse has forms on which to report the family physician’s findings to the school, or the forms are available on the district’s website. Any concerns discovered by the school doctor will be reported to the parents with the hope that the family physician will be consulted.
The school nurse is available for emergency health problems and first aid during the school day. Should further medical attention be necessary, it is to be arranged by the family. In the case of illness or injury, parents are contacted immediately. Parents are requested to provide the school with current home and work telephone numbers, in addition to a telephone number of a relative or friend who can be reached if a parent cannot be contacted.
Every effort is made to protect the health and welfare of your child. Parents are invited to consult the school nurse whenever a problem arises concerning their child's well being.
Any physical education exclusion request signed by the family physician or the school doctor will be honored for the length of time requested up to one year. At that time a new exclusion is required.
Physical exams are required before a student participates in interscholastic sports.
Child Health Plus is a New York State funded program offering free or very low cost health insurance for children. For more information and a list of local providers, call 1-800-698-4KIDS.
New York State law requires the following procedures for all students requiring medication, both prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications.
1. Present a completed medication request form, signed by both the parent and physician, OR
2. Present a note from the physician stating: student’s name, date, name of medication, dosage and time to be administered, and list of possible side effects; AND
3. The medication must be brought to school by an adult in the original prescription container.
School Nurses
Hendrick Hudson High School:
Kelley Cabrera-Adler, RN
(914) 257-5890
Blue Mountain Middle School
Phyllis Moschetti, RN, BSN
(914) 257-5790
Buchanan-Verplanck Elementary School
Angela Bruno, RN
(914) 257-5490
Frank G. Lindsey Elementary School
Cathleen Abraham, RN
(914) 257-5590
Furnace Woods Elementary School
Christine Cassidy Cody, RN
(914) 257-5690
- Certificate of Immunizations
- Medication Authorization Form
- Potassium Iodide Opt Out Form
- Self Medication Release
- Physical Examination Form
- Dental Health Certificate
- Medical Exemption for Immunization