Parent Resources
Parents: The Anti-Drug Sponsored by The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, this website is a wealth. Check out the information for parents, and teachers. What I love most is the role playing ideas. Not only do these folks suggest that we, as parents, talk with our kids about peer pressure, they suggest how the conversation might be started. Also find comments and suggestions from other parents on these questions/issues. |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Focused entirely on substance addiction, use and abuse, this is a directory of links to agencies that either provide information or services. There is a wealth of information is linked to this site. A special section is set up for parents. Check out the For Kids Only and the Youth sections. [all ages] |
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page With sections for parents, children, teens and educators, this site offers many wonderful resources. check out the list of blogs, message boards/listservs, and other social networking sites. [all ages] |
Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth From this home base, you can explore the programs, resources and opportunities offered to students and their families. In particular, the directory of academic competitions that CTY has compiled is extensive and easy to search. Find also links to learn about distance learning programs. [all ages] |
NRC/GT Research Based Resources [for parents] Find many informative articles listed with access to some full-text. Others are available for purchase. [all ages] NRC/GT Websites for Parents Find links to other organizations and resources. [all ages |
New York State Dept. of Education: Gifted and Talented Find links to useful documents, curriculum, etc. [all ages] |
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Facts for Families and Other Resources The fact sheets found on this authoritative site include such topics as childhood depression and anxiety, children and tv violence, grief in children, dealing with a move, living in a foster family, talking with children about AIDS, and learning disabilities. The Q & A section is worth checking out. [all ages] |
Inside the Teenage Brain Hosted by PBS, explore the science and the psychology of the adolescent brain. View, if you like, the entire video program, and/or investigate other areas of this informative website. |
National Eating Disorders Association Links for information on a variety of disorders and syndromes are provided to interested parents. While the articles in the Parents section focus on prevention, and identification, the Students section includes resources on healthy eating habits. |
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission "Help keep you and your family safe by keeping track of products recalls and safety news announced by CPSC." [all ages] |
HHSD Elementary Reference Desk [K-5] |
BMMS Homework and Project Links [middle] |
HHHS Project Links [high school] |
Helping Your Child With Homework Written for parents of elementary and middle school children, this is a discussion of specific strategies to guide your child through the fields of homework. Easy to read...... Very practical. [K-5, middle] |
Scholastic - Parent's Home Page From the publisher we all know and love, this large website has something for children, teachers and, of course, parents. Not surprisingly, the focus here is on reading and education. See their links for children, too. [K-5, middle] |
GetNetWise: You're one click away Be proactive. Be involved. Be aware. Learn about social networking spaces on the Internet such as MySpace and Facebook. Specific child centered guidelines for Internet safety are provided. [middle, high school] |
Internet Safety: Parent Guides Recognizing that the Internet represents a wealth of information and experience for our children, the authors address strategies for keeping our children safe in the process of using it. (Charlene C. Giannetti and Margaret Sagarese). [middle, high school] |
Keeping Children Safer The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children website has many viewable and downloadable guides and articles. [all ages] |
National Crime Prevention Council presents Find information and resources about the growing problem of cyberbullying. |
NetSmartz NetSmartz provides on- and offline learning activities for parents to facilitate discussions with their children and teens about Internet safety. |
OnGuardOnline's Social Networking Sites OnGuardOnline provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information. |
Online Safety on MySpace and other Social Networking Sites |
A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety This FBI publication provides sound advice on securing your child's safety while using the Internet. [all ages] |
Social Networking Sites: A Parent's Guide The Federal Trade Commission has published this helpful document for parents on the benefits and dangers of social networking for children and teens. | Best suited to families with elementary and middle school children, this site has games, recipes, a trip planner, crafts, and links to family health & relationships experts. [K-5, middle] |
New York Times on the web: Learning Network The New York Times provides a fabulous website specifically designed for students in grades 3 through 12. There is content at this website for students, and parents. A quick scan of Parent Connections reveals discussion starters, linked to stories in the day's NYTimes, you can use to engage your child(ren) in conversation about events in the news. Also available from this site are movie reviews for families, crossword puzzles using vocabulary from the news in puzzles designed for kids, news summaries, image archives and more. [all ages] |
SCREEN IT! ENTERTAINMENT REVIEWS FOR PARENTS Want to know whether a movie is appropriate for your children? This site is great because it goes way beyond a summary of the plot and the movie rating. Learn specifically what it is about the movie that earns it the rating. Note: There is a free site as well as a members only site. [all ages] |
SuperKids: Educational Software Review By parents, for parents... this website presents reviews of software for children. The focus is on educational software or at least software that has educational benefit. You can search for a certain software package or even submit a review yourself. The group has clear and useful criteria for evaluating websites which are easily accessible on the website. As a perk, free logic and vocabulary games are available for children (of all ages) to play. [all ages] |
ADOL This topnotch directory of links to information and services is one part of the website posted by Indiana University's Center for Adolescent Studies. Topics include conflict & violence, mental health, substance use & addictions, and sex. There are referrals to counseling resources. Take a look at the Teens Only section. [middle, high school] | Children's Health and Parenting Information This is one of my personal favorites. KidsHealth provides wonderful articles for parents, children, and teenagers on a huge range of topics. The site is easy to search and navigate. The articles are well written and there is usually an article for both kids and parents on any given topic. You can sign up for a free e-newletter that lets you know when new articles are posted. [all ages] |
KidSourceOnline Sponsored by a group of concerned parents, you will find many authoritative articles here on health and educational issues. "...So, our goal is to find the best of the healthcare and education information for you and deliver it to you in new and innovative ways that will make it of greater benefit to you and your family." Check out their link to AOL's Study Buddy search engine for help finding child friendly Internet content. [all ages] |
The National PTA Sponsored by the national Parent Teacher Association, this site offers materials produced by PTA and links to documents from other agencies. The section entitled Common Sense discusses "strategies for raising alcohol- and drug-free children." PTA provides information on its services and mission with links to child advocacy agencies. [all ages] |
Parenting Adolescents The social workers at this site come across as very approachable, which is good because they want you to submit questions to the Question of the Week section. This is geared to parents of teens and preteens. The resources recommended at this site are worth looking over. [middle, high school] |
Positive Parenting Online A certified parenting instructor maintains this site on which you will find good articles on common parenting concerns such as discipline, sibling rivalry, and normal development. Try out the newsletter and the additional links. [all ages] |
Resources for Parents, Teens and Kids from the American Association of School Librarians School librarians recommend websites for families and children. Also find here lists of award winning books for children and young adults. A section on parenting includes links to many useful web resources for parents. [all ages] |
Talking With Kids About Tough Issues Maintained by Children Now and the Kaiser Family Foundation, this website offers specific strategies for engaging your children in conversation on some of the most difficult topics including sex, HIV/AIDS, violence, alcohol and drug abuse. There are downloadable articles, and an online forum. [all ages] |
Help Your Teen Build Literacy Skills: For students in middle and secondary grades (PDF) The Peel School District, located in Missasaugua, Canada, provides many interesting and informative Parent Tip Sheets on their easy-to-navigate website. This brochure suggests activities to help you connect with your teen, particularly in terms of reading. [middle, high school] |
How to Help Your Child Become a Better Writer [See also the attached file below] From within the NCTE website for parents, this brochure suggests ways to encourage and support young writers... even if they are reluctant writers. So You Want to Be a Better Writer is the companion piece aimed at students, which can be found below. [middle, high school] |
LD Online Find many resources at this site including articles on learning disabilities for parents, and teachers. Both legal and medical advice, suggested strategies, and links to other web resources are among the services offered. [all ages] |
Last updated 26 January 2015
Tips for Parents from the National Council of Teachers of English
So You Want to Be a Better Writer?
Tips for students from the National Council of Teachers of English
What's the Parents' Role in Cyberbullying
From Wired Kids, this article discusses ways parenting in the cyber age.