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2024 - 2025


Rebecca Quigley
Vice-Presidents: David Parker & Michelle Piccolo Hill
Recording Secretary: Jenean Eichenholtz
Corresponding Secretary: Chrissy Archacki
Treasurer: Eva Villa

Email to reach the Executive Board.


$250 Challenge Fundraiser: Rebecca Quigley & Maira Sullivan

Advocacy Committee Representatives:  Lisa Anderson & Jenean Eichenholtz

Audit Committee: David Parker

Budget Committee: Eva Villa

Citrus Fundraiser: Antoinette Pio

Communications & Website: Rebecca Quigley & Jenean Eichenholtz

Education & Mental Health Programs: Jenean Eichenholtz

Fashion Show: PTSA Executive Board with senior parents

Haunted High School: Michelle Piccolo Hill

Homecoming Color Run:  Antoinette Pio
Homecoming Dance:

Membership: Michelle Piccolo Hill
     Teacher Liaisons:
     Student Liaison: Megan Prokopiak

Nominating Committee: Jenean Eichenholtz

Pre-Prom: junior parents

Spiritwear: Stacey Retallick

Student Representative: Lucas O'Connor

Used Book Sale: Jenean Eichenholtz

Please contact us at if you would like to join a committee.

Join us on Facebook!  

HHHS PTSA Facebook Page

Senior (Class of 2025) Facebook Page

Junior (Class of 2026) Facebook Page

Sophomore (Class of 2027) Facebook Page

Freshman (Class of 2028) Facebook Page



Be sure to save these dates for our upcoming events this year:

  • November 14 - Parent College Panel for underclass students  (7:30 pm)

  • February 13, 2025  - Winter Carnival  (2:15-4:30 pm)

  • March 7 - Senior Fashion Show  (7:00 pm)

  • May 2 - Spring Cinco de Mayo Carnival  (2:15-4:30 pm)

  • May 25 - Spring Fling Dance (time TBD)


  • PTSA Membership

    Please consider joining the HHHS PTSA this year; thank you to all the parents and staff who already have!  PTA membership shows school spirit and support of the programs we offer our children. 

    Membership fees are:
     $5 - student membership
     $10 - standard membership
     $10 - additional family member membership
     $10 - single Teacher/Staff membership
     $25 - Family membership (two adults and one student)
     $30 - Family Plus membership (two adults and two students)
     $50 - Bronze Membership (Limited edition wireless charging pad and Family Plus membership)
     $100 - Silver Membership (Limited edition enamel camp cup and Family Plus membership)
     $150 - Gold Membership (Limited edition wireless charging pad, enamel camp cup, insulated lunch bag AND Family Plus membership)

    Bronze, Silver and Gold members who join before October 31st will receive their promotional items before the end of December.

    Membership is now online at the MemberHub website, or you can download the 2024-25 PTSA Membership Form and return it to HHHS with your payment.  Membership forms can also be mailed, handed in at Meet the Teacher Nights, or at any PTA meeting. 

    Contact Michelle Piccolo Hill with questions.  Thank you for your support!

    Gold Apple Award

  • 2024-2025 Meeting Schedule

    All meetings will be in person on the second Monday of the month at the HS library at 7:30pm.   We will provide a Google Meet link each month for anyone who would like to join remotely.  The meeting link will be posted in the NYS PTA website MemberHub the week before.  Not a member but would like to attend our meeting?  Email for the meeting link.

    10/15/24  (Tuesday)
    11/12/24  (Tuesday)
    12/9/24  (Senior Parent Fashion Show meeting)
    2/10/25  (Ask a 9th Grader Panel with BMMS PTA)

    6/9/25  (Year-end appetizers & drinks at a local restaurant)

  • Guidance Information

    Visit the HHHS Guidance Office website for the latest information about the college application process, college fairs and upcoming events.

    Guidance Signposts


  • 2024-2025 Teacher/Staff Grants

    Teacher/Staff grants
    Proposals may be for projects, activities, books, equipment or anything that enhances the academic lives of students at Hendrick Hudson High School.  While preference is given to proposals that offer school-wide access to students, teachers are also encouraged to submit proposals that will benefit their individual classrooms or grade level.  Grant requests up to $500 will be considered; any grant requests over this amount are dependent on what is available in the budget.

    Please email your completed form to at least 30 days before the funding is needed, and copy Principal Mrs. Scollins on the email. Mrs. Scollins will conduct the first review of proposals for content, appropriateness and to determine if alternate funding sources are available. The PTSA Executive Board will then review the requests. You must be a member of the PTSA in order to apply for a grant. Members may be contacted regarding questions about their request. If a membership vote is necessary to approve the amount of the grant, the member is encouraged, but not required, to attend the meeting where the vote will be held. We look forward to hearing about your project or activity.

    downloadable teacher grant 2024-2025