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Kickball Tournament Fundraiser a Success

The 5th Grade Committee hosted a Kickball Tournament Fundraiser on Jan. 31, 2025.

The 5th Grade Committee held its first ever Kickball Tournament Fundraiser Friday night in the Hendrick Hudson High School Dome. Third, fourth and fifth graders paired up with team captains who ranged from teachers to administrators. The event had volunteer help from Board of Education members, parents, community members and students.

The 5th Grade Committee hosted a Kickball Tournament Fundraiser on Feb. 1, 2025.

Eight teams played in all, but Mrs. D'Itri and Ms. Giacomantonio's "Anchor Aces" emerged as the winner. Mr. Glashoff and Ms. Amy Glashoff's "Legends" were the tournament runner-ups.

The first-place team members each received a medal and $10 gift card to Spins Hudson in Peekskill. The second-place finishers each received a medal and $5 Carvel gift card.

The 5th Grade Committee hosted a Kickball Tournament Fundraiser on Feb. 1, 2025.

All of the teams who participated in the Kickball Tournament Fundraiser did great, and, most importantly, had a fun time! The event helped raise money for the 5th grade's trip to Ashokan in March.

The Kickball Tournament was organized by a committee of the following six 5th Grade Committee members: Alison Turner, Amelia Silverman, Jess Berbeck, Mariella Carrasquillo, Melissa Sarno and Mirjana Marte.

Our teams included:

  1. ANCHOR ACES: Captains Mrs. D'Itri and Ms. Giacomantonio
  2. KICKIN' SAILORS: Captains Mrs. Fucheck and Mrs. Nightingale
  3. LEGENDS: Captains Mr. Glashoff and Ms. Amy Glashoff
  4. NAUTICAL KNOCKOUTS: Captains Mr. Tromblee and Mr. Riley
  5. NY KICKS: Captain Mr. Wallace
  6. PERFECT PITCH: Captains Mr. Kisslinger and Mrs. Landry
  7. RECESS REBELS: Captains Mr. Mackin and Mrs. Retallick
  8. SUPER SAILORS: Captains Mrs Pal-Kolisz and Ms. Baig