Sixth-Grade Students Create Board Game Design Based on Fantasy Book
After they enjoyed reading the novel “ToverQuest,” Blue Mountain Middle School sixth-grade students Nathan Katsev and Capri Bueti used their creativity to complete a special project. They joined forces to design a board game based on the rich fantasy that highlights the journey of the novel’s main character.
“In the story, the main character must decide whether to cross the frozen, poisonous lake to become a magical Tover or be safe but unhappy living with her mean cousin and uncle,” reading teacher Elizabeth Meier said. “Throughout the story, the readers must infer the main character’s bravery.”
The game designed by Katsev and Bueti challenges the players throughout this harrowing mission. To play the game, the players roll the dice and move to a new space. In each space there are different challenges they must complete before moving forward.
Among the challenges the players face are: answering trivia questions, catching a ball in a cup, acting out a scene, or reading a quote and then naming the character who said that quote.
The winner of the game is the player who navigates around the board first. The lake, which is featured in the center of the board, is illuminated to show the magic of the Tovers.
Congratulations to Nathan and Capri on their impressive creation!